Monday, July 31, 2017

Setting up my library

As the summer occurs teachers spend hours in professional development and pinterest. We are learning the new strategies and latest research to apply in the classroom. 

This year I was very lucky to attend some grant funded training from Region 4.  During the training the same question kept coming up. 

"How do you set up your classroom library?" 

 To answer this question I need to preface that I am obsessed with books. My husband sets a timer for 10 minutes and 20 bucks in a book store because I can easily spend hours and hundred of dollars. Below are pictures of our library at home.

So back to the question "How do you set up your classroom library?". 

The first thing is a set up at home. When we moved last year we had a room designated for the library. We lined the room with shelves. Then we purchased white magazine files from IKEA. They were 5 for a dollar. 



Each set of books was grouped together by common themes, authors, and type. 

Then it was label time. I made a word document full of labels. As I got more books I made more labels. Then I shrunk the label pictures and printed them on file folder labels. (I put about 4-10 pictures per label). The small label went on the right hand corner of the book.  

Next, came the stamps/stickers. I started out with labels that said my name and ar. Then I added DRA, GRL, and Lexile. This was getting expensive so I used a coupon and got a custom stamp from VistaPrint.  

After leveling all my books I used an amazing present from my husband. He got me medical labels so I can put the reading levels on the side. 

 The kids can choose to read their level or not but its super easy for them. 

Watch the video for the home library tour! 


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