Tuesday, October 8, 2019

Hello Universe Book Review

Hello Universe by Erin Entrada Kelly

Image result for Hello Universe 

Genre: Fiction

Introduction and Justification:
            Every year the Newbery Medal and Newberry Honor Awards are awarded to amazing books. In 2018 Hello Universe won the Newbery Medal. This novel has an intriguing tag line. “Some friendships are meant to be” (Entrada, 2018). This quote perfectly introduces and summarizes the book. The back of the book briefly introduces the characters to give the reader insight into the book. This book is mix of a Filipino Folktale and a modern story. This book helps the reader open their eyes to other cultures, and the people we see around us. 

Evaluation of book:
Hello, Universe, is a retold folk tail with a modern twist. This tale however is not a well-known folk tale in the United States. The author is very precise in her language to share the folk tale as well as relate the story to a modern-day audience. The stories that were included all further developed the plot. Every word was intentional. From Valencia going over her snake knowledge to the last word in the book “hello” (Entrada, 2018, p. 311). Every word built on each other and gave clues to what would happen. As Virgil feels like “Pah” is coming down on him the reader can see its his anxiety and fear. He is battling an internal battle. The precise use of language helps to develop and build the characters. Even the simplest pieces such as “turtle” saying he no longer wanted to be called “turtle”. This allows the reader to see his growth, development, and change.
This book is told through dialogue and internal monologues. Entrada Kelly dedicated chapters to certain characters. She is then able to use their speech to progress and elaborate on the story. Kaori tries to act above her age. This comes out in her speech and especially when she converses with her sister. Gen is willing to go along with her sister and works as a sidekick. She is always trying to help while retaining her youth. Even the simple dialogue shows a lot of meaning. When Kaori discusses going into business, she used the word “friends” (Entrada, 2018, p. 262) That simple sentence is what Valencia/Renee wanted to hear. This was the solution to her problem. The dialogue allows the reader to feel like they are in the story and are part of the conversation.
In chapter one the opening is about how Virgil Salinas has become a “Grand Failure” (Entrada, 2018, p. 2). The author is drawing a line in the sand. Even though is begins the story as a failure the reader knows that he will no longer become a grand failure at the end of the book. He equated all his failures knowing that at the end he will have some resolution. At the end of the book you realize that the Universe had intervened, and he was not a failure after all.  Entrada Kelly not only draws the line in the sand for the part of him being a grand failure but also draws the line for Valencia. In her introduction you see that is struggles to make friends. The reader knows that the book will end with her making friends. This book was very intentional. Every line had its place and every quote had a reason. The author knew that their would be a resolution and that the characters would not ultimately fail at the end.

            © The Filipino culture does not receive a lot of attention. It was interesting to learn about their folktales and culture through this book. The book shared a new perspective on a culture even down to the competition of where your fruits are from that you buy. (f) This book was fascinating. The author does a good job of flipping narrators and engaging the reader. This book was enjoyable as you got to know the characters, celebrate their growth, and even enjoy a little comeuppance. (g) This is a good book to read to develop a sense of multicultural awareness. The book addresses a lot of issues including bullying, disability, paranormal, family, and friendship. Entrada Kelly uses a lot of elements and weaves them together to form a book that can teach and inspire the reader to make changes in his or her life.
            Hello, Universe is a retelling of a Filipino folk tale set in modern times. This book does a great job of demonstration multicultural awareness and multiple perspectives. The author uses dialogue to develop the characters. The story makes the reader believe in the power of fate and how everything is meant to be. This book deserved the Newberry Medal. It allows the reader to see through the eyes of those with disability, and even why bullies are bullies. It teaches students how to support themselves with non-violence and how to appreciate everything including nature. This is a wonderful book to read.


Alsc. (2019). Awards, Grants & Scholarship. Retrieved from Association for Library Service to Children : http://www.ala.org/alsc/awardsgrants
Entrada, E. K. (2018). Hello, Universe. New York: Scholastic.
Texas Library Association. (2019). Reading Lists. Retrieved from TLA Texas Library Association: https://txla.org/tools-resources/reading-lists/
Williamson, O. M. (n.d.). How to Write a Reaction Paper or Reader Response. Retrieved from Reader Response: http://utminers.utep.edu/omwilliamson/engl0310link/readerresponse.htm

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